Our Team

At Asda Online Doctor we have our own team of GMC registered doctors ready to help you. You can get to know some of them a bit better here.


Dr Kathryn Basford - Doctor

GMC number: 7074021

Dr Kathryn Basford is a graduate of the University of Manchester. She completed her GP training at Whipps Cross Hospital in London and has been with ZAVA since 2016. Her specialisms include women's health and sexual health. Kathryn is currently studying for a diploma in dermatology at Cardiff University.

Dr Crystal Wyllie - Doctor

GMC number: 7085115

Dr Crystal Wyllie studied at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, graduating in 2010. She then completed her training as a GP in hospitals and practices in and around London. Her particular interests are in reproductive, sexual, and women’s health.

Dr Babak Ashrafi - Clinical Lead for Service Expansion

GMC number: 6077866

Babak studied medicine at King’s College London and graduated in 2003, having also gained a bachelor’s degree in Physiology during his time there. He completed his general practice (GP) training in East London, where he worked for a number of years as a partner at a large inner-city GP practice. He completed the Royal College of GPs membership exam in 2007.

Babak has led in areas including cardiology, diabetes, and stroke medicine, as well as working for the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) as the Prescribing Lead. He has experience in both the NHS and the private sector, which has helped him gain unique insights into the future of healthcare.

Dr Zenon Andreou - Medical Director

GMC Number: 6149061

Dr Zenon Andreou graduated from University College London in 2006, having studied medicine. He completed his postgraduate education in several London hospitals, spending 4 years in otolaryngology before completing his training in general practice.

In 2016 Zenon completed a Masters Degree in Allergy and Immunology from Imperial College London. His time is currently divided between General Practice and online medicine.

Asda pharmacists

If you’d like the details of the responsible pharmacist at your chosen Asda Pharmacy, our Patient Care team will be happy to assist. You can contact us on 020 3467 2020 for more information.

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